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Many of our big businessmen, scientists, artists, inventors and great politicians have applied these magic techniques to solve problems and attain success in life. When you learn the technique you will find how effective, powerful and easy it is. Like computers human beings are programmed to think and behave in a particular way. It depends on the data having been fed into their subconscious mind since their childhood. And subconscious mind of a person is more powerful than the conscious minds of ten persons.
The centre of solving the problems lies in your subconscious. We can call it God’s Solution Bank. Whenever you deposit your problem you get a wonderful solution. The strategy is quite easy. Before going to sleep at night do meditation or simply pray to God. Experience the feeling of relaxation. Think about the God’s Solution Bank which is situated in yoursubconscious mind . Turn your question or problem over to the Bank and sleep. Be confident and have patience. You will be provided with the best of the possible solutions within a day or two. How does it happen?
A simple example will explain this psychological process. Sometimes you try to think of someone’s name but can’t. You know it is there somewhere in your mind, but it just wouldn’t come. Finally after having given up on your memory scan – suddenly when you aren’t even thinking about it – the name comes to you in a flash. Instead of forcing the date from your memory banks, your unconscious mind goes about it with seemingly no effort on your part. The same thing happens using the Universal Solution Bank. In fact it is many times more powerful.
Though most of the people use this process intentionally or unintentionally yet we have been programmed since our birth that humanlife is full of troubles and problems and we need hard struggle to solve them. Many of our problems remain unsolved for years even for the whole life. Now the present article will help you to think rationally and use the power hidden in your own mind. Now how does this mystical process go on? Is there some magic at work? Not at all. It is based on a very simple and scientific fact. Your conscious mind is unable to work properly when it is under the clouds of strain. Your efforts fail. Then we turn it to oursubconscious mind , which comes to our help with all its power, mostly when we are asleep. Moreover we must have the patience to wait for the fruitful results.
Since your childhood you have been learning a lot from various happenings in your life, reading a lot and contemplating endlessly on difference issues. Your subconscious becomes a vast treasure of knowledge , experience and analysis. In your conscious state of mind you are unable to tap this wisdom and find out the right solutions sometimes. In fact you must have faith in the wisdom of your subconscious. Then turn over a question or problem to it before sleeping. Frame your questions in a very clear and easy language. After that stop bothering about that problem. You will be surprised when you are handed over with a very good solution to your problem.
Do you have relationship problem? Are you failing in business or career? Are you unable to decide about your future? Wonderful advice regarding any problem can be had from your own Universal Solution Bank. And this advice will be excellent, well-thought and rational. What else do you want? Whenever you find that the solution is surfacing in your mind, write that immediately. You may find the solution as soon as you wake up in the morning next day. Or you may find it one, two or a few days later. Keep your mind open and be receptive. If needed ask for the solution for several days regularly. You will definitely get an answer.
This water therapy is used when you require perfect medicine to cure all sickness.
Drink six glasses (1.5 liters) of water everyday and avoid taking medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis and other treatments.
Water therapy is a very simple treatment. Everyday you have to take 1.5 liters of water. If water is not clean then it is required to use clean and boiled water for doing this process.
Then, drink 1.5 liters altogether; after drinking you should not take any food or drink for at least one hour. If you feel difficult in taking 1.5 liters at a time, then you take water gradually (give a gap of 2 minutes after drinking 4 glasses of water).
These 1.5 liters of water will help in cleansing your body. If you follow this process regularly, the toxins are released through sweat or urinal excretions. You should not take any alcohol last night.
By water therapy, you can prevent some diseases and cure some diseases. If you drink water sufficiently, then it will help in enhancing your glow of skin and keep you physically fit. Water therapy is used in regulating the temperature of your body.
If you consume water properly then you can be free from constipation. Acidity can be cured with only two sessions.
Diabetes can be cured with seven sessions. You can control hypertension with only four weeks of water therapy. Some cancers are also controlled with water therapy. If you have pulmonary TB, then three months of water therapy will help you.
If you suffer from following diseases, follow water therapy. It is alternate natural treatment, so it will not cause any side effects.
Anemia, rheumatism, general paralysis, obesity, arthritis, sinusitis, tachycardia, giddiness, cough, leukemia, asthma [What is Asthma?], bronchitis, meningitis, kidney stones, hyper acidity, dysentery, gastroenteritis, uterus cancer, rectal piodapse, hostorthobics, eye diseases, ophthalmic hemorrhage, irregular menstruation, breast cancer, laryngitis, headache, urogenital diseases.
The physical properties of water are used for treating back pain and other musculoskeletal injuries.
Buoyancy of water will help the patient to support weight and will improve your balance and strength.
The viscosity of water provides resistance by its gentle friction. It will help in strengthening and conditioning of an injury and reduces the risk of injury due to loss of balance.
Hydrostatic pressure of water has powerful effects to improve heart and lung function. This pressure is useful for maintaining and strengthening heart and lung function. This pressure will effect in improving muscle blood flow.
Water therapy is the natural alternate treatment that can be followed by any person at any age of your life time. Water without life is impossible and you can live longer with water. The treatment with water is very simple and you can follow this therapy at your own place.
| If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. |
A friend is somebody
Who knows you and likes you
Exactly the way that you are...
Someone who's special
And so close in thought
That no distance can ever seem far.
A friend understands you without any words,
Stands by you when nothing goes right...
And willingly talks over problems with you
Till they somehow just vanish from sight..
And whether you're neighbors or live miles apart,
A word from a friend gives a lift
To your heart and spirit that shows you once more
Why friendship is life's dearest gift!
Friends are God's way of taking care of us.
Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows.