Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Science Questions

1. Question: A man with a load jumps from a high building. What will be the load experienced by him?
Answer: Zero, because while falling, both the man and the load are falling at the same acceleration i.e. acceleration due to gravity.

2. Question: A piece of chalk when immersed in water emits bubbles. Why?
Answer: Chalk consists of pores forming capillaries. When it is immersed in water, the water begins to rise in the capillaries and air present there is expelled in the form of bubbles.

3. Question: Why does a liquid remain hot or cold for a long time inside a thermos flask?
Answer: The presence of air, a poor conductor of heat, between the double glass wall of a thermos flask, keeps the liquid hot or cold inside a flask for a long time.

4. Question: Why does a ball bounce upon falling?
Answer: When a ball falls, it is temporarily deformed. Because of elasticity, the ball tends to regain its original shape for which it presses the ground and bounces up (Newton's Third Law of Motion).

5 Question: Why is standing in boats or double decker buses not allowed, particularly in the upper deck of buses?
Answer: On tilting the centre of gravity of the boat or bus is lowered and it is likely to overturn.

6. Question: Why is it recommended to add salt to water while boiling dal?
Answer: By addition of salt, the boiled point of water gets raised which helps in cooking the dal sooner.

7. Question: Why is it the boiling point of sea water more than that of pure water?
Answer: Sea water contains salt, and other impurities which cause an elevation in its boiling point.

8. Question: Why is it easier to spray water to which soap is added?
Answer: Addition of soap decreases the surface tension of water. The energy for spraying is directly proportional to surface tension.

9. Question: Which is more elastic, rubber or steel?
Answer: Steel is more elastic for the same stress produced compared with rubber.

10. Question: Why is the sky blue?
Answer: Violet and blue light have short waves which are scattered more than red light waves. While red light goes almost straight through the atmosphere, blue and violet light are scattered by particles in the atmosphere. Thus, we see a blue sky.

11. Question: Why Does ink leak out of partially filled pen when taken to a higher altitude?
Answer: As we go up, the pressure and density of air goes on decreasing. A Partially filled pen leaks when taken to a higher altitude because the pressure of air acting on the ink inside the tube of the pen is greater than the pressure of the air outside.

12. Question: On the moon, will the weight of a man be less or more than his weight on the earth?

Answer: The gravity of the moon is one-sixth that of the earth; hence the weight of a person on the surface of the moon will be one-sixth of his actual weight on earth.

13. Question: Why do some liquid burn while others do not?
Answer: A liquid burns if its molecules can combine with oxygen in the air with the production of heat. Hence, oil burns but water does not.

14. Question: Why can we see ourselves in a mirror?
Answer: We see objects when light rays from them reach our eyes. As mirrors have a shiny surface, the light rays are reflected back to us and enter our eyes.

15. Question: Why does a solid chunk of iron sink in water but float in mercury?
Answer: Because the density of iron is more than that of water bus less than that of mercury.

16. Question: Why is cooking quicker in a pressure cooker?
Answer: As the pressure inside the cooker increases, the boiling point of water is raised, hence, the cooking process is quicker.

17. Question: When wood burns it crackles. Explain?
Answer: Wood contains a complex mixture of gases and tar forming vapors trapped under its surface. These gases and tar vapors escape, making a cracking sound.

18. Question: Why do stars twinkle?
Answer: The light from a star reaches us after refraction as it passes through various layers of air. When the light passes through the earth?s atmosphere, it is made to flicker by the hot and cold ripples of air and it appears as if the stars are twinkling.

19. Question: Why is it easier to roll a barrel than to pull it?
Answer: Because the rolling force of friction is less than the dynamic force of sliding friction.

20. Question: If a feather, a wooden ball and a steel ball fall simultaneously in a vacuum, which one of these would fall faster?
Answer: All will fall at the same speed in vacuum because there will be no air resistance and the earth?s gravity will exert a similar gravitational pull on all.

21. Question: When a man fires a gun, he is pushed back slightly. Why?
Answer: As the bullet leaves the nozzle of the gun?s barrel with momentum in a forward direction, as per Newton's Third Law of Motion, the ejection imparts to the gun as equal momentum in a backward direction.

22. Question: Ice wrapped in a blanket or saw dust does not melt quickly. Why?
Answer: Both wood and wool are bad conductors of heat. They do not permit heat rays to reach the ice easily.

23. Question: Why do we perspire on a hot day?
Answer: When the body temperature rises, the sweat glands are stimulated to secrete perspiration. It is nature's way to keep the body cool. During the process of evaporation of sweat, body heat is taken away, thus giving a sense of coolness.

24. Question: Why does ice float on water but sink in alcohol?
Answer: Because ice is lighter than water it floats on it. However, ice is heavier than alcohol and therefore it sinks in alcohol.

25. Question: Why do we perspire before rains?
Answer: Before the rain falls, the atmosphere gets saturated with water vapors; as a result, the process of evaporation of sweat is delayed.


No. General Knowledge Question Answer
1 The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was Mujibur Rehman
2 The longest river in the world is the Nile
3 The longest highway in the world is the Trans-Canada
4 The longest highway in the world has a length of About 8000 km
5 The highest mountain in the world is the Everest
6 The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world is Myanmar
7 The biggest desert in the world is the Sahara desert
8 The largest coffee growing country in the world is Brazil
9 The country also known as "country of copper" is Zambia
10 The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is Durand line
11 The river Volga flows out into the Caspian sea
12 The coldest place on the earth is Verkoyansk in Siberia
13 The country which ranks second in terms of land area is Canada
14 The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is Sicily
15 The river Jordan flows out into the Dead sea
16 The biggest delta in the world is the Ganges Delta
17 The capital city that stands on the river Danube is Belgrade
18 The Japanese call their country as Nippon
19 The length of the English channel is 564 kilometres
20 The world's oldest known city is Damascus

21 The city which is also known as the City of Canals is Venice
22 The country in which river Wangchu flows is Myanmar
23 The biggest island of the world is Greenland
24 The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is Detroit, USA
25 The country which is the largest producer of manganese in the world is China & South Africa
26 The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is Malaysia
27 The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world is China
28 The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the Amazon River
29 The city which was once called the `Forbidden City' was Peking
30 The country called the Land of Rising Sun is Japan
31 Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest
32 The volcano Vesuvius is located in Italy
33 The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is Cuba
34 The length of the Suez Canal is 162.5 kilometers
35 The lowest point on earth is The coastal area of Dead sea
36 The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of Nepal
37 The largest ocean of the world is the Pacific ocean
38 The largest bell in the world is the Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow
39 The biggest stadium in the world is the Strahov Stadium, Prague
40 The world's largest diamond producing country is South Africa
41 Australia was discovered by James Cook
42 The first Governor General of Pakistan is Mohammed Ali Jinnah
43 Dublin is situated at the mouth of river Liffey
44 The earlier name of New York city was New Amsterdam
45 The Eifel tower was built by Alexander Eiffel
46 The Red Cross was founded by Jean Henri Durant
47 The country which has the greatest population density is Monaco
48 The national flower of Britain is Rose
49 Niagara Falls was discovered by Louis Hennepin
50 The national flower of Italy is Lily
51 The national flower of China is Narcissus
52 The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located at Kathmandu
53 The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is Strait of Hormuz
54 The first Industrial Revolution took place in England
55 World Environment Day is observed on 5th June
56 The first Republican President of America was Abraham Lincoln
57 The country famous for Samba dance is Brazil
58 The name of Alexander's horse was Beucephalus
59 Singapore was founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
60 The famous British one-eyed Admiral was Nelson
61 The earlier name of Sri Lanka was Ceylon
62 The UNO was formed in the year 1945
63 UNO stands for United Nations Organization
64 The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on 15th August
65 'Last Judgement' was the first painting of an Italian painter named Michelangelo
66 Paradise Regained was written by John Milton
67 The first President of Egypt was Mohammed Nequib
68 The first man to reach North Pole was Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary
69 The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was Guermica
70 The primary producer of newsprint in the world is Canada

71 The first explorer to reach the South Pole was Cap. Ronald Amundson
72 The person who is called the father of modern Italy is G.Garibaldi
73 World literacy day is celebrated on 8th September
74 The founder of modern Germany is Bismarck
75 The country known as the land of the midnight sun is Norway
76 The place known as the Roof of the world is Tibet
77 The founder of the Chinese Republic was San Yat Sen
78 The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize was Abdul Salam
79 The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was Margaret Thatcher
80 The first Secretary General of the UNO was Trygve Lie
81 The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was Frederick Auguste Bartholdi
82 The port of Baku is situated in Azerbaijan
83 John F Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald
84 The largest river in France is Loire
85 The Queen of England who married her brother-in-law was Catherine of Aragon
86 The first black person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was Ralph Johnson Bunche
87 The first British University to admit women for degree courses was London University
88 The principal export of Jamaica is Sugar
89 New York is popularly known as the city of Skyscrapers
90 Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of Cloves
91 The country known as the Land of White Elephant is Thailand
92 The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is Korea
93 The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is Bhutan
94 The highest waterfalls in the world is the Salto Angel Falls, Venezuela
95 The largest library in the world is the United States Library of Congress, Washington DC
96 The author of Harry Potter Books is JK Rowling
97 Nickname of New York city is Big Apple
98 What do you call a group of sheep? A Flock of Sheep
99 In which sport do players take long and short corners? Hockey
100 Who was the youngest President of the USA? Theodore Roosevelt
101 How many legs do butterflies have? 6 Legs & 2 Pair of Wings
102 Who invented the Nintendo Wii? Kashi Kabushiki
103 What year does the Nintendo Wii come out? Late 2006
104 Who invented the Light Bulb? Humphry Davy
105 Who invented the washing machine? James King
106 Who invented the first electric washing machine? Alva Fisher
107 Who invented the safety pin? Walter Hunt
108 Who invented the Vacuum Cleaner? Hubert Booth

Friday, March 05, 2010

Engligh Alphabets - Amazing part of Team Work


Dear All,

It was apparently checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus!

Snopes was also apparently checked, and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent around to all your contacts ASAP.


You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK, regardless of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C drive of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address on his/her contact list. That is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it!

If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,' even if it is sent to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN.

It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.