Is the engine allows the user to search for the desired image.
Google Image Search
There are many reasons why your site disappeared from Google Image Search and everyone is asking why not appear in my pictures Google?
Try now to navigate to Google Image Search and type in the search box the name of your site instead of yourwebsite and look for the number of archived images for your site in Google search engine.
Mostly they will be very few...!!
Does Google hate archiving images in our websites? Is this engine walk without a specific mechanism?
Certainly not ..!!
Now, the question on everyone's mind...
What to do to get Google Image Search in your side?
Well .. I'll tell you .. Because Google is not seeing the photos as we see it, this engine depends on the specific mechanisms and controls must be available on your pages to know that this page contains pictures.
The mechanisms that are required to apply in your website:
* The text Alt (alternative image text)
* Name the file "image name" as car.jpg
* The text surrounding the image
* Title of the page title
* Content of the page
* The full link of the image itself
And I will explain these points in detail:
Alt Text
Alternative image text, which explains why are these the image when you mouse over it and the way of writing its own code as follows:

Be very clear in explaining the meaning of the picture do not use Connectives and traction and pronouns
Only explain the meaning of the image, such as "image car"
File name or image
Do not name the image files such as "pic64.jpg" and "img84.jpg" because it does not indicate any meaning or explanation of the image itself,
Always name the images as its content like a car write it as follows: "car.jpg"
Text surrounding the image
I do not think this point needs to details .. But always don't forget, that if you want to write a particular explanation belongs to the image,write it over the image and under it and do not write something does not fit with the title of the same image at all. May affect the meaning of image
As an example ( Cars Images Mobile Phones)
Title of the page title
When you have a page full of photos of modern cars try to make the page title bonded to the images, As follows:
(Photos of new Toyota vehicles) and put photos of the new Toyota vehicles and do not write ( New Vehicles ) you should be specific.
Always put yourself in the place of the visitor who search for the picture .. and then type a title you're looking for
Page Content
Manage your photos placed in a single page and simply arrange them,
Do not mix between photos like: Vehicles Photos, and Mobile Phones Photos.
The full link of the image itself
What is the difference between these link:
And this link:
You get it?
Select the appropriate link to your Pictures folder, place the pictures in a folder named images or pictures, means that you tell the search engine that this folder contains cars images.
As for the other link...It removes the consideration of the search engine for this folder and sometimes the search engine does not understand its meaning at all.
A final point which is how to tell the search engine that I have pictures this folder or this site that I want you to get them archived or I want you to know that I have pictures I want to get them archived.
Manner as follows:
To make the search engine archive your photos:
* Open robots.txt file located in the main site
* And add this code:
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
# Allow Everything
Allow: / *
By the way .. Google Image Search Engine does not depend on Page Rank of the page than on applying of the previous steps 100%.
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